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Leeds Organists' Association - May 2020

Phil Wilby writes...

Dear Friends,


Following the government’s recent statements, it remains clear that we will not be able to meet together in the coming months. However, we are indebted to our online providers, Charlie Brown and Nick Seddon for providing us with such excellent contributions to our Facebook page and Website. Several members have submitted videos of their home organs. However, first prize goes to Graham Barber who has dazzled us all with no less than nine ‘Organcasts’ of immense vision and variety.


Judith Weir, Master of the Queen’s Music, was to have addressed us in June, and we are sorry that we cannot hear her live, However, her publisher has provided us with an excellent on-line alternative on YouTube for those who wish to share her thoughts online. Watch Judith Weir's video here.

Equally, Andrew Kirk has provided us with an opportunity to make a virtual visit to St Mary Redcliffe in Bristol in the company of Mark Venning of Harrison and Harrison. Paul Hale has described this organ as ‘one of the best examples of British organ building in the early 20th century'.
Andrew says that the video is "Taken from a talk given in October 2015 for the South West Organ Day, Mark Venning (Chairman of Harrison & Harrison) explains the colours of the famous 1912 organ at the church, with excerpts played by Andrew Kirk, Director of Music. The organ has four manuals and pedals, with 4327 pipes."

Watch the video here.

For those who are missing excellent choral singing, I must recommend the Rudolphus Foundation who have provided us with a quite wonderful ‘virtual’ Choral Evensong last week. With contributions from Stephen Fry, Voces 8 and large group of singers (some from Wakefield Cathedral), it also features organs from various large school chapels, including Downside and Eton. This is my tip for the month!


Stay safe, and let’s keep in touch.

Philip Wilby

Previous Updates
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July 2018 (revised Aug 18)

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