Leeds Organists' Association
affiliated to The Incorporated Association of Organists
Leeds Organists' Association - AGM 2020
On Saturday 1 February, around 40 members and their guests gathered at Headingley Golf Club for the AGM. Our President, Professor Philip Wilby, spoke about the need for our Association to consider how we engage with younger organists. Read the speech here.
The AGM saw a few changes to the Committee. After 22 years of great service to the Association, David Wilks has retired as Secretary. Philip paid tribute to David in his remarks at the AGM, following which David was presented with several gifts as a token of the Association's gratitude.
Nelson Walmsley also retired from the Committee at the AGM, and we thank Nelson for his work setting up the website, which is a vital tool for communicating with our membership in the 21st century.
Charlie Brown was elected as the new Secretary, and we are also delighted to welcome new members Catherine Harris and Andrew Kingscote to the Committee. Nick Seddon has taken over management of the website, and is working with Charlie to advise us how we can use technology more effectively to engage with our members.
Previous Updates
(these links open as PDF documents)
July 2018 (revised Aug 18)
After the formal proceedings, and lunch, we welcomed our guest speaker Matthew Owens (Director of Music at Belfast Cathedral). Matthew spoke passionately about the responsibility we all have to encourage younger or less-experienced players who show interest in playing the organ. His remarks echoed the theme of Philip's AGM speech; such people are the future of the organ and its music.
Matthew Owens speaking at the AGM