Leeds Organists' Association
affiliated to The Incorporated Association of Organists
Incorporated Association of Organists
The Incorporated Association of Organists (IAO) is the national umbrella body who also organise and promote a wide range of activities for organists of all levels of ability, sometimes in association with other bodies such as The Royal College of Organists and The Royal School of Church Music.
Of particular importance are:

Annual Congress
A week-long gathering in some presitigious venue it is of international repute and is usually attended by well over 100 organ enthusiasts.
The event comprises concerts, talks and teaching sessions (including master classes) by organists of international standing.
Organists' Review
A superb glossy quarterly magazine published by the IAO, which is available to LOA members at a reduced price.
Prices are currently:
UK member | £23.80
UK non-member | £25.80
Europe | £33.00
Rest of the world | £39.00
Students | £20.00